Saturday, October 10, 2015
How to convert pgn chess games to video free
1. Download ActivePresenter
2. Download Babaschess
3. Open ActivePresenter
- new capture
- video
4. Open Babaschess
- open pgn file
- auto-play chess game
5. Press Ctrl + End to finish video capture
6. In ActivePresenter, export video as mp4, AVI, WMV and WebM
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Example of 4-Round Swiss Chess Tournament
Swiss System Chess Tournament Basic Rules
- players with the same score are ranked according to rating
- Top half is paired with the bottom half
- Same two players cannot play twice
- Color alternates in succeeding rounds
- Winners versus winners
- Losers versus losers
- Ties are broken with Swiss tie-breaking systems
Number of Rounds
The number of rounds in a Swiss Chess Tournament is predetermined beforehand. In most occassions, it depends on the rules of the organizer and number of players. As a sample (for illustration purposes only):
up to 20 players --> 5 rounds
20 to 40 players --> 7 rounds
40 to 80 players --> 9 rounds
Number of Games in Tournament
To determine the total number of games (ideally) in the tournament:
Number of Games = [ Number of Players/2 ] x Number of Rounds
Number of players = 8
Number of rounds = 4
Using the formula,
Number of Games = 8/2 x 4
Number of Games = 4 x 4
Number of Games = 16 games
Scoring Point System
Win = 1 point
Draw = 0.5 point
Loss = 0
Pairing Procedure
Round 1:
- Pairings drawn randomly
- Pairings according to Chess Rating
- Pairings based on last year's performance.
- Pairings generated by Computer Pairing Software
Round 2:
- Winners in Round 1 play against winners
- Losers in Round 1 play against losers
Subsequent Rounds pairing rules:
- No player faces the same opponent twice
- Players play with opponents with the same or almost the same score
- Players play an equal number of games with the White and Black pieces
- Players' color of pieces alternate in each round
- Same color 3 times in a row is not allowed
- after the last round, players are ranked by total score points
- if there is a tie, it is broken using the Buchholz chess rating (sum of all their opponents' scores) or other chess tie-breaking methods in Swiss system tournaments such as Solkoff, Median (Harkness System), Modified Median, Cumulative, and so on.
---- PAIRING ----
Prepare Table of Players sorted by Rating (descending)
Rating List of Players for Tournament (Masters & Grandmasters Championship)
2650 Players 1
2600 Players 5
2550 Players 2
2500 Players 6
2450 Players 3
2400 Players 7
2350 Players 4
2300 Players 8
Divide the list in two groups (or many groups)
Top Half: (Group I)
2650 Player 1
2550 Player 2
2450 Player 3
2350 Player 4
Bottom Half: (Group II)
2600 Player 5
2500 Player 6
2400 Player 7
2300 Player 8
Standard Swiss System Pairing
Round 1:
Player #1 versus Player #5, Player #1 wins
Player #2 versus Player #6, Player #2 wins
Player #3 versus Player #7, Player #3 wins
Player #4 versus Player #8, Player #4 wins
Winners in Round 1
Players 1
Players 2
Players 3
Players 4
Losers in Round 1
Players 5
Players 6
Players 7
Players 8
Round 2:
Winners vs. Winners
Player #1 plays Player #3, Player #1 wins
Player #2 plays Player #4, Player #2 wins
Losers vs. Losers
Player #5 plays Player #7, Player #5 wins
Player #6 plays Player #8, Player #6 wins
After two rounds, the score standings are:
Player #1: 2-0 (2 wins, no loss)
Player #2: 2-0
Player #3: 1-1 (1 win, 1 loss)
Player #4: 1-1
Player #5: 1-1
Player #6: 1-1
Player #7: 0-2 (no win, 2 loss)
Player #8: 0-2
Round 3:
Winners against Winners
Player #1 against Player #6, Player#1 wins
Player #2 against Player #5, Player#2 wins
Losers against Losers
Player #3 against Player #8, Player#3 wins
Player #4 against Player #7, Player#4 wins
Score sheet after three rounds:
Player #1: 3-0 (3 wins, no loss)
Player #2: 3-0
Player #3: 2-1 (2 wins, 1 loss)
Player #4: 2-1
Player #5: 1-2 (1 win, 2 losses)
Player #6: 1-2
Player #7: 0-3 (no win, 3 losses)
Player #8: 0-3
Round 4:
Winners versus Winners
Player #1 vs. Player #2, Player#1 wins
Player #3 vs. Player #4, Player#3 wins
Losers versus Losers
Player #5 vs. Player #6, Player#5 wins
Player #7 vs. Player #8, Player#7 wins
If the number of rounds established is 4, then Round 4 is the Last Round. A final scoresheet and final crosstable is prepared to declare the clear winner. If there is a tie, and there is no split in the prize fund, then the tie will be broken through Swiss system tie-breaking methods in chess.
On the final round, the final scores are:
Player #1: 4-0 (4 wins, no loss) --> Winner (Champion)
Player #2: 3-1
Player #3: 3-1 (3 wins, 1 loss)
Player #4: 2-2
Player #5: 2-2 (2 wins, 2 losses)
Player #6: 1-3
Player #7: 1-3 (1 win, 3 losses)
Player #8: 0-4
In this example of a 4-round Swiss Chess Tournament,
the winner or champion is Player #1.
---- Example of Chessmaster software Swiss Tourney ----
Example of a 4-round Swiss Chess Tournament Results (Chessmaster 9000):
Name Wins Draws Losses Games Score OPS Bye
Aidan 4 0 0 4 4.0 1454
Niko 3 0 1 4 3.0 927
Ben 2 0 2 4 2.0 1747
Petra 2 0 2 4 2.0 1284
Tex 2 0 2 4 2.0 898
Manny 1 0 3 4 1.0 879
Chessmaster 1 0 3 4 1.0 630
Alekhine 1 0 3 4 1.0 490
Tournament Crosstable results
Name 1 2 3 4 Total
1.Aidan W3:1 B8:1 B7:1 W4:1 4.0/4
2.Niko W6:1 B3:0 W5:1 W8:1 3.0/4
3.Ben B1:0 W2:1 B8:0 W7:1 2.0/4
4.Petra W8:1 B5:0 W6:1 B1:0 2.0/4
5.Tex B7:0 W4:1 B2:0 W6:1 2.0/4
6.Manny B2:0 W7:1 B4:0 B5:0 1.0/4
7.Chessmaster W5:1 B6:0 W1:0 B3:0 1.0/4
8.Alekhine B4:0 W1:0 W3:1 B2:0 1.0/4
=== Round 1 ===
Chessmaster vs Tex -- Black is Checkmated - Game 1
Petra vs Alekhine -- Black is Checkmated - Game 2
Aidan vs Ben -- Black is Checkmated - Game 3
Niko vs Manny -- Black is Checkmated - Game 4
=== Round 2 ===
Alekhine vs Aidan -- White is Checkmated - Game 5
Manny vs Chessmaster -- Black is Checkmated - Game 6
Tex vs Petra -- Black is Checkmated - Game 7
Ben vs Niko -- Black is Checkmated - Game 8
=== Round 3 ===
Chessmaster vs Aidan -- White is Checkmated - Game 9
Petra vs Manny -- Black is Checkmated - Game 10
Niko vs Tex -- Black is Checkmated - Game 11
Alekhine vs Ben -- Black is Checkmated - Game 12
=== Round 4 ===
Ben vs Chessmaster -- Black is Checkmated - Game 13
Tex vs Manny -- Black is Checkmated - Game 14
Niko vs Alekhine -- Black is Checkmated - Game 15
Aidan vs Petra -- Black is Checkmated - Game 16
Sunday, December 16, 2012
How to program a chess engine in C++ language compatible with Xboard/Winboard: Chess Board Representation
Chess Board Representation is a very basic necessity in chess engine programming because it is the way to show the movements of the pieces and to visualize the current position of each player in the game. Some people prefer the use of arrays in C++ but this method below uses no arrays. It is just plain and simple way of representing the chess board. The lowercase letters r, n, b, k, q, and o represent Black's pieces and the uppercase letters R, N, B, K, Q, and P represent White's pieces. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 on the left represent the ranks while the letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h on the bottom represent the files.
Any suggestions and better ideas about how to represent the chess board for the chess engine program would be much more appreciated for the benefit of those who want to learn how to program their own chess engines. Also, a little sharing of your code would be a big bonus from you (I know you have better ideas, ways and methods in C++ programming to accomplish the same task). Thanks in advance :)
Source code:
PROGRAM 7: Chess - board representation
AUTHOR: eternaltreasures
DATE: 2010 September 22
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#define newline '\n'
//border represents the horizontal border lines between the ranks or rows of the chessboard
#define border " +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+"
//sp represents the vertical spacer lines between the squares
#define sp " | "
r1 to r8 represents the ranks or rows of the chess board, letters a to h represents the
files. The combination of these letters and numbers will be used in the coordinate
system of representing moves in chess.
#define r8 "8 "
#define r7 "7 "
#define r6 "6 "
#define r5 "5 "
#define r4 "4 "
#define r3 "3 "
#define r2 "2 "
#define r1 "1 "
#define boardfiles " a b c d e f g h"
//ranks 8 and 7 are Black's initial position and ranks 1 and 2 for White.
char a8='r', b8='n', c8='b', d8='q', e8='k', f8='b', g8='n', h8='r';
char a7='o', b7='o', c7='o', d7='o', e7='o', f7='o', g7='o', h7='o';
char a6=' ', b6=' ', c6=' ', d6=' ', e6=' ', f6=' ', g6=' ', h6=' ';
char a5=' ', b5=' ', c5=' ', d5=' ', e5=' ', f5=' ', g5=' ', h5=' ';
char a4=' ', b4=' ', c4=' ', d4=' ', e4=' ', f4=' ', g4=' ', h4=' ';
char a3=' ', b3=' ', c3=' ', d3=' ', e3=' ', f3=' ', g3=' ', h3=' ';
char a2='P', b2='P', c2='P', d2='P', e2='P', f2='P', g2='P', h2='P';
char a1='R', b1='N', c1='B', d1='Q', e1='K', f1='B', g1='N', h1='R';
void introduction ()
cout << " Chess Engine Program 1.0";
cout << newline;
cout << " by eternaltreasures";
cout << newline;
cout << " September 2010";
cout << newline;
cout << newline;
//function called by main () to display the chess board.
void displayboard ()
cout << border;
cout << newline;
cout <<r8<<sp <<a8<<sp <<b8<<sp <<c8<<sp <<d8<<sp <<e8<<sp <<f8<<sp <<g8<<sp <<h8<<sp;
cout << newline;
cout <<border;
cout << newline;
cout <<r7<<sp <<a7<<sp <<b7<<sp <<c7<<sp <<d7<<sp <<e7<<sp <<f7<<sp <<g7<<sp <<h7<<sp;
cout << newline;
cout <<border;
cout << newline;
cout <<r6<<sp <<a6<<sp <<b6<<sp <<c6<<sp <<d6<<sp <<e6<<sp <<f6<<sp <<g6<<sp <<h6<<sp;
cout << newline;
cout <<border;
cout << newline;
cout <<r5<<sp <<a5<<sp <<b5<<sp <<c5<<sp <<d5<<sp <<e5<<sp <<f5<<sp <<g5<<sp <<h5<<sp;
cout << newline;
cout <<border;
cout << newline;
cout <<r4<<sp <<a4<<sp <<b4<<sp <<c4<<sp <<d4<<sp <<e4<<sp <<f4<<sp <<g4<<sp <<h4<<sp;
cout << newline;
cout <<border;
cout << newline;
cout <<r3<<sp <<a3<<sp <<b3<<sp <<c3<<sp <<d3<<sp <<e3<<sp <<f3<<sp <<g3<<sp <<h3<<sp;
cout << newline;
cout <<border;
cout << newline;
cout <<r2<<sp <<a2<<sp <<b2<<sp <<c2<<sp <<d2<<sp <<e2<<sp <<f2<<sp <<g2<<sp <<h2<<sp;
cout << newline;
cout <<border;
cout << newline;
cout <<r1<<sp <<a1<<sp <<b1<<sp <<c1<<sp <<d1<<sp <<e1<<sp <<f1<<sp <<g1<<sp <<h1<<sp;
cout << newline;
cout << border;
cout << newline;
cout << newline;
cout << boardfiles;
cout << newline;
cout << newline;
int main ()
introduction ();
displayboard ();
//Move entry - it asks the player to enter the move in coordinate system of chess move notations.
string entermove = "e2e4";
cout << newline;
cout << "Enter your move:";
cin >> entermove;
cout << entermove;
Saturday, December 15, 2012
How to setup the TCP/IP in Chessmaster 9000 CM LIVE:
This procedure for the TCP/IP setup in Chessmaster Live or CM LIVE in Chessmaster was tested using Chessmaster 9000 in Windows XP with 2 computers in a home network connected by a common router. The procedure for the setup of TCP/IP should be similar in older versions of Chessmaster as well as newer versions such as the Chessmaster 10th edition and the Chessmaster XI or the Grandmaster edition.
How to setup the TCP/IP in Chessmaster 9000 CM LIVE:
Hosting computer:
1. Start Chessmaster 9000
4. In the Create Session Box -> Game Name -- chessmaster
5. Click Host
Joining computer:
1. Start Chessmaster 9000
4. In the Create Session Box -> Game Name -- chessmaster
5. In the Join Session Box -> Host IP Address or DNS Name -> (Start -> Run -> cmd -> ipconfig (to obtain ip address)
6. Click Join
Note: chessmaster is a sample of Game Name and is a sample ip address.
Challenge or Starting a chess game:
1. Windows -> Online Information
2. Right click the Name of the player and click Challenge
3. Send Challenge
4. Other player will Accept the Challenge
5. Play the game
CHESS Puzzles, Problems with solutions - mate in 3 by Two Bishops & King
CHESS Puzzles, Problems with solutions - mate in 3 by Bishop & Knight
CHESS Puzzles, Problems with solutions - mate in 3
![]() |
White to move and mate in 3 moves. |
In this Chess puzzle, White to move and mates Black in 3 moves. The three pawns in the 7th rank are ready to be promoted. Note that this position is symmetrical. No matter which pawn Black captures, the solution to this chess problem of promoting pieces are the same, i.e. Bishop and then Rook.
![]() |
1. Bd8=B. |
![]() |
1. Kxc6. |
![]() |
4. Rb8=R. |
![]() |
5. Kd6. |
![]() |
6. Rb6 checkmate. |
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